ILa USMX JCS COVID-19 Q&A Guidance in re CDC Revised Quarantine/Isolation Time Frames

Dec 29, 2021News

Dear Industry Colleagues,

Attached, please find the subject ILA-USMX Joint Safety Committee Q & A guidance document.

In it, we respond to CDC’s recent (27 December) guidance which conditionally reduces the quarantine and isolation periods previously established for close contact COVID-19 exposures and for actual infections that are asymptomatic.

In sum, we await the decision of ILA and USMX principals as to the implementation of the newly issued guidance within our industry. In the meantime, timeframes currently in place are considered valid.

We would be very grateful for your allowing this (and all future) Q & A guidance documents the widest distribution/posting. Posting to your respective websites would be particularly appreciate

Please be assured that this Q & A guidance document will also be transmitted to the ILA Intern’l, all USMX port associations, to all ILA District and Local Union offices and to each of the local port joint occupational safety/accident review committees.


Ron S.